Opérateur d’inf-convolution et équations d’Hamilton-Jacobi sur les graphes

Orateur: SHU Yan
Localisation: Université Paris-Ouest - Nanterre, France
Type: Séminaire des doctorants
Site: UGE
Salle: 4B08R
Date de début: 15/04/2015 - 14:00
Date de fin: 15/04/2015 - 14:00

This work introduces a notion of gradient and an infimum-convolution operator that extend properties of solutions of Hamilton Jacobi equations to more general spaces, in particular to graphs. As a main application, the hypercontractivity of this class of infimal-convolution operators is connected to some discrete version of the log-Sobolev inequality and to a discrete version of Talagrand's transport inequality.